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Hi, I need help with essay on ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Advertising thus resorts into subtle messaging to obtain attention, develop interest, and stimulate desire for the thing being advertised (Proctor, Proctor & Papasolomou-Doukakis, 2002:32).

The Citizen print ad contains multimedia texts – written words, pictures of champion skier Chemmy Alcott dressed in ski attire and holding her skis,

and a close-up of the model of Citizen Eco-Drive, the watch being promoted. In boldface capital letters is the word UNSTOPPABLE appears twice on the page.

Metaphor is described as “a rhetorical style of comparing two dissimilar objects, so that the characteristic of one object is transferred to the other.” In this advertisement, visual metaphor was used to effect visual persuasion (Miller, Hadjimarcou, & Miciak, 2000:60). In the ad, the visual metaphor is created between the skier and the watch, both facing the viewer frontally. The watch is unstoppable because it relies on an inexhaustible energy supply. Inexhaustible energy is likewise implicitly attributed to Chemmy Alcott as a matter of character. Furthermore, vector analysis enhanced by close-up shot identifies her direct stare at the viewer as a “demand” that also personally challenges the audience’s belief and behaviour.

Here, “genderization” is depicted no as attribute “but as a relation of power and a process by which gender structures are created, reinforced and/or transformed” (Norlander, 2000 in Lidestav & Sjölander, 2007:352). Chemmy Alcott is depicted as the consummate athlete, a field dominated by men. The reference is clearly gender based, as women in sports are a rarity. For women, the construct “unstoppable” means that even if social norms tried to stop her, she would not. She does not detract from her femininity, however, which is why her watch is studded with 30 diamonds, “a girl’s best friend”, and with a subtle Mother-of-Pearl color, an

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