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Compose a 2500 words essay on The Effects of the Media violence in Violent Behaviors: Violence against Women and Children Abuse. Needs to be plagiarism free!

This level of interaction with media confirms the reliance of the audience on the information provided on these mediums. This paper aims to analyze the effects of media violence and sexual exposure on children and women.

Media, which may give fame or may defame any particular group, thing, sport,

news or place, has apparently underrepresented the participation of females in business, sports or other events (Perse, 2001 p. 167). More and more advertisements of male sporting events, business success stories and academic achievements have been broadcasted. However, less or no consideration to female athletes, high achieving students or business champions have cut off the interest of sponsors, viewers and general population. This shows the discriminated portrayal of women in media and advertisements. If we use sports as a field where women are discriminated, a claim which may be helpful is the fact that less advertisements and support is provided to women sporting events. Women are not only facing difficulties in proving their distinct identity in the sports world but the media misrepresentation is also putting their actual image at a great risk (Bartsch et al., 2000). They are represented as young, slim and sexy women instead of making them known for their professional athletic qualities. Portraying them in their swimming costumes (instead of their sports uniform) and interviewing them about their marriages and personal issues make it more difficult for women to prove their existence in the sports world as great athletes. Media represents them as a symbol of fashion or beauty. Their image is spoiled by making scandals in the context of drugs involving their husbands (International Herald Tribune). Although sexual discrimination has been reduced on the official level, yet the society does not accept women equivalent to men. Media still is continuing with this discrimination in one way or the other. This

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