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Write a 2 page essay on Review (wherever i wind up by r.a. dickey) For the Criminal Justice Class.

The book is an excellent piece that shows how he survived the years of financial hardships and the separation from hi loved ones. However, the issue of interest that interacts with criminal justice system is the issue of child abuse.

Dickey was sexually abused several times when he was a child. In the book, he reveals that a 13 years old female babysitter first molested him when he was eight years old when the abuse occurred many a number of times. On a visit to Nashville countryside, Dickey was also forcibly raped by a neighboring teen. However, he kept all these issues to himself until the time he had grown to his early thirties (Dickey and Coffey 10).

This issue is of importance in my understanding of crime victimization and its relationship with the criminal justice system and how it affects the victims. This occurs in the sense that victims of crimes must be helped to understand how they can seek help once they become victims. The role of the criminal justice system is to sensitize the public including children on crime and the crimes that are likely to involve them. The criminal system should also sensitize the public including children on ways of reporting crime especially when they are targeted. When Dickey was molested, he knew that something was incorrect but did not recognize that it was a crime and did not know who to report to. Because of this, he suffered silently, yet he could have acquired help. Dickey was a victim of crime but he did not know that. One thing that comes out clearly is that Dickey knew that the act was wrong but he did not comprehend that it was a crime because he does not mention anything that relates child sexual abuse with criminal justice system (Karmen 23).

This awareness might help me do a better job in my profession in the criminal justice system. I now understand that victims of crime could suffer all their lives because of the failure to know what constitutes a crime and how they can acquire help when they are victims.

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