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Create a 12 page essay paper that discusses Bowling alley.
My aim in this paper is to bring out clearly the reasons why the construction should be carried, using geology/ soil and the water system of the specific place, 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, to defend my opinion To achieve the above goal I have organized my paper into sections in which the first section, I have given the Environmental Impact Analysis of the specific place in relation to Geology/ soil, and the in the second section I have discussed the water system of the place pertaining to the aquifer of the water system. I have then concluded my paper with a final section that discusses the overall summary of why I think the team trying to deny the construction of the alley is bad. So let start with the Environmental Impact Analysis of the place. Geology/ soil First before looking into why the soil or rather the geology of the place supports the construction of the alley, it is very prudent to define the two key words, that is the geology and soil of a place. Soil: soils are the results of weathering, mechanical disintegration, and chemical decomposition of the parent material. The products of weathering may have the same composition as the parent material, or they may be new minerals that have resulted from the action of water, carbon dioxide, and organic acids with minerals comprising the parent material. Geology: geology can be defined as the scientific study is which comprises the study of the solid rocks and the solid Earth, these rocks of that it are composed, and the various processes by with which the solid rocks change. Generally speaking, geology can be considered as the scientific study of the surface of almost all the celestial bodies, such as the geology of the mars and the geology of the moon. So, why is the geology or the soil for that matter very important before the construction of a building anything for this case a bowling alley? Well below is a list of the soils conditions, types, present in the place that supports the construction of the alley. GEOLOGY/ SOILS Following an analysis of the geology/ soils and the seismic hazards is founded primarily on a technical report by the Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of the Proposed five lane bowling alley. 1. The ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS a. Appropriate Physical Setting (1) Geologic Conditions In 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, which is the project site is comparatively very level with an entire change in the grade of around 33 feet, west to east something that is less than 30% grade. An average elevation of the area is very roughly 740 feet almost above the mean sea level. The Immediate head-to-head properties, are usually characterized by the similar shapes and the elevations. 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro is underlain by the Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium that had been deposited in the Valley next to the place, the structural basin that is surrounded by the mountains on the entire four sides. This alluvium can be estimated as being numerous hundred feet thicker. The deposits are usually very fine grained that consists of mixtures of silt,