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I will pay for the following essay THE SUCCESS COMMERCIALISATION OF FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Franklin Institute appeals mostly to people who have the passion for arts and this is perhaps the reason for her success story in commercializing itself and making her a most sought-for institute. This research aims to study what might have made Franklin Institute successful. It would not simply be a research about a school has come about but more so, it is done in order to establish a better comprehension about how one might succeed in similar or other endeavors as well. As global commercialization is placed at the forefront, it is important to know the aspects that make an institute successful. In line with Franklin Institute, it is assumed that the museums established to attract contributors and students alike, play the greatest role in its success. Therefore, in this paper, the link between commercialization and museums will be examined more closely. Franklin Institute is located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It established its first museum in 1934 making it one of the first hands-on science museums in the country ( This made the institute very popular, attracting visitors from every corner and consequently, attracting talented students. As the years passed and technology has advanced, changes have been made in the institute to meet the demands and needs of a fast-changing community. The resiliency of the school made it more possible for it to maintain the success and popularity it has gained for decades through hard work and dedication. As other institutes tried to look into what Franklin Institute was doing, they embraced the concept of putting up museums as attractions to their own schools. However, not all schools have been successful as Franklin. Knowing that people’s needs and wants change over time, Franklin Institute engaged in improving the first attractions of the school and that is probably what keeps the institute surviving even in this time of great competitions. In line with the effects museums have for people, Jehra Patrick wrote in her blog the results of her research on what attracts people to museums that might have affected the success of Franklin Institute. She names exploration among the top reason why people go to museums. The blogger observes that even people who are not inclined to art, science and technology are very curious so that they feel they have a need to explore what are inside museums. Some seek experience while others know that they have a knowledge that other people must share with them so that they act as facilitators when they go to museums. Professionals and hobbyists also find a wealth of information and ideas inside the museums while still others find the place as a hide-away where they can run from all the troubles in the world (Patrick). With the reasons listed above, it is seen that they include various people from a wide diversity, making the prospects of museum-goers really huge in number It is known that the higher percentage of learning is acquired through the eyes. For this reason, museums are not just built for adults but for children as well. Museums are safe places to bring children to visit. Unlike parks and other recreational places, the museum caters to smaller number of people which makes it safer for children to be in.

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