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Create a 5 page essay paper that discusses Biracial Couples.

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Review of the Study Purpose of the Study The objective in the study is to give an overview of students’ experiences who are attending Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) in south. The students have one parent from the African American heritage, and their experiences are multidimensional which are aimed to be discussed in this study to put forth comprehensive findings (Banks, 1995). To accomplish the research aim and objective, the researchers selected 12 participants from the Predominantly White Institutions in the south of US. The participants were students to describe their diverse biracial experience. The study asserts that biracial students face problems in their identity description. The students carrying biracial identities face quite deliberate challenges in the personal development and in the academic development stages. These students’ experiences inside and outside the college are much different from ordinary students’ experiences (Banks, 1995). The Author Willie L. Banks is the author of the study, who keeps an academic background in sociology and culture studies. The author in submission of his dissertation to the University of Georgia produced this comprehensive study on biracialism. He is in great interest to explore and investigate the lives of students who are undergone by biracial phenomenon (Banks, 1995). Research Question Focusing students of Predominantly White Institutions in the south of the US, which have one parent from African American background, the study aims to explore the multidimensional experiences of such biracial students. How biracial students’ experiences affect their biracial identity is the question to investigate in this study. This question leads to purposive and deliberate findings of the study (Banks, 1995). Importance of the Study By reviewing the experiences of the biracial students, the researcher has produced effective knowledge on biracialism. Using this knowledge, biracial students can understand those, which areas are important and which are not to consider in their life situation. The study gives the holistic view on biracialism which is from students’ point of view and quite significant to adopt. In this way, the study is assisting students on countering the biracial challenges (Banks, 1995). The population of biracial students in higher education institutions is growing precisely in the contemporary period (Banks, 1995). The challenges of the biracial students are growing too with the similar pace, as there are fewer studies and researches being conducted to understand the nature of biracial students’ problems and challenges. The problem is much prominent in the South of US where there are fewer studies being organized by institutions to address the biracial students’ challenges. This study identifying biracial students’ challenges is showing real concern on how these challenges can be dealt by the students within and outside the institutions. This is how the study remains important and significant for both biracial students and institutions. The study is adoptable in the South of US where fewer studies are prominent to address the problems of biracial students (Banks, 1995). The Methodology and Research Design In order to address the research aim and question of the study, the researcher selected 12 participants who were biracial students from the Predominantly White Institutions.

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