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DAU Continuos Learning Course(CLE 003) exam question:
Which of the following teams is NOT adhering to the recommendations provided in this module for implementing technical reviews?
The Stealth Pigeon Integrated Product eam(IPT) schedules their Test Readiness Review for October 15, even though it’s doubtful that the helicopter will be ready to
proceed into formal test by that time.
The Apollo II tank is an ACAT I program; therefore,the IPT incorporates each of the essential technical reviews into their Systems Engineering Plan.
The Retaliator Missile IPT identifies clear-cut exit criteria for each technical review.
The Muskrat fixed-wing aircraft IPT reviews the entry-criteria provided in the data repository prior to each technical review.
>>Could you give source? Using one of the 5 or 6 downloadible pdfs from CLE 003 would be ideal. THNX