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In the assigned readings for this Module (chapters 9 and 12) several playwrights, set designers, directors, artists and choreographers were introduced. Whether it was Bertolt Brecht’s Verfremdungseffekt or Epic Theatre, German Expressionism, European Realism and/or Non Realism, playwright’s created a theatrical landscape that employed various styles, methods, movements and artistic influences.
From this context, select a playwright (you can choose one of the playwright’s discussed in the assigned readings) and discuss why their body of work has changed, challenged and/or influenced the theater and an audience’s theatrical experience.
Playwrights such as Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett (for example) would be good selections because of their extensive body of work and their influence on contemporary theater even today. However, you can select any playwright that you admire, although you must provide an example as to why their work has challenged, inspired and impacted the theatrical world and experience.