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1. In 2007 the United States made 4% of the world population but was responsible for 20% of the ecological impact. Based on these two numbers alone and the IPAT equation, how much would US Per Capita RGDP of $44,000 (in 2007 in 2007 prices) need to decrease in order for the ecological impact of the United States to be proportional to its population (i.e. equal to 4%)? (Assume the levels of technology and population both remain unchanged.) Show me your work. Next, assuming no change in ‘Technology’ from its 2007 level, paint a picture of the US standard of living at this reduced level of PRCRGP. What existing country’s economy might it most closely resemble? (btw – Don’t paint an actual picture.) It’s a figure or speech. Describe it like a story.2. In 2007 the United States made up 4% of the world population but was responsible for 20% of the ecological impact. Real US per Capita GDP in 2007 approximately $44,000 (measured in 2007 prices). Assuming population remains constant (PCRGDP), use the IPAT equation to determine how much technology would need to change in order to reduce the ecological impact of the United States to 4% while only reducing its PCRGDP by half. Select one change in technology that you believe would substantially move the United States in this direction and then explain how it has the intended effect in the IPAT equation.

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