Current Event Minispeech – Choose a current news report (within the last week) to report on for your mini speech.  Look on news websites, local newspapers, etc. for ideas.

Module 5: Current Event Mini Speech

Mini Speeches are designed to give students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills without having an “audience”.  Please see the instructions below:

Step 1:  Choose a current news report (within the last week) to report on for your mini speech.  Look on news websites, local newspapers, etc. for ideas.

Step 2:  Create a short speech to outline the news report and provide why the audience needs to know about this event? Utilize description with your answers.  Don’t forget structure (intro, body, conclusion).  Make sure to verbally cite your news source.

Step 3. Create a short video (no more than 2 minutes) with you presenting your tribute.  A visual aid is NOT required.

Step 4. Post this video.  Please view the technical speech requirements below about posting videos.

Technical Speech Requirements:

  • NO spectators have to be present for this speech
  • There should be NO “starting and stopping” during this time.  You should not try to find the “best take” but allow your speech to be a “live” presentation.  Grades will not be given for a speech that possesses segmented material OR splicing.
  • When taping, please ensure that your video is close enough for the graders and reviewers to see you; however, far enough for any visual aids to be seen and your body gestures.  Video should at least show from the torso up.  Speakers should be standing.
  • After you complete your speech, post the video to YouTube.
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Presidential Candidate Minispeech – Choose an individual who you think should be the next president of the United States.  This individual SHOULD NOT include a person who could/would run for the position or be in politics.  A viable individual could be a family member, celebrity…even a cartoon or fictional character!

Module 6: Presidential Candidate Mini Speech

Mini Speeches are designed to give students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills without having an “audience”.  Please see the instructions below:

Step 1:  Choose an individual who you think should be the next president of the United States.  This individual SHOULD NOT include a person who could/would run for the position or be in politics.  A viable individual could be a family member, celebrity…even a cartoon or fictional character!

Step 2:  Create a short speech to outline your choice and provide THREE reasons why the audience should consider voting for that person.  Consider yourself the “hype person” for this individual.  Utilize description with your answers.  Don’t forget structure (intro, body, conclusion).

Step 3. Create a short video (no more than 2 minutes) with you presenting your tribute.  A visual aid is NOT required.

Step 4. Post this video.  Please view the technical speech requirements below about posting videos.

Technical Speech Requirements:

  • NO spectators have to be present for this speech
  • There should be NO “starting and stopping” during this time.  You should not try to find the “best take” but allow your speech to be a “live” presentation.  Grades will not be given for a speech that possesses segmented material OR splicing.
  • When taping, please ensure that your video is close enough for the graders and reviewers to see you; however, far enough for any visual aids to be seen and your body gestures.  Video should at least show from the torso up.  Speakers should be standing.
  • After you complete your speech, post the video to YouTube.
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Module – Persuasive planning – What type of audience will I be speaking to? Reluctant, uncommitted, or unsure of action? This information was discussed in Module 5.  Explain your answer.

Module 6: Persuasive Planning

The Persuasive Planning assignment is designed to aid the student in specific areas of their upcoming speech.  It is important to think about the following:

1) What is your topic?  What is your personal connection (education or experience) to your topic?
2) What type of audience will I be speaking to? Reluctant, uncommitted, or unsure of action? This information was discussed in Module 5.  Explain your answer.
3) Will I manage to “move” my audience fully (logos, pathos, ethos, mythos)? How – provide an explanation for each appeal?
4) What terms will I need to define (whether they be technical, clarification, or controversial) in order for there to be no misunderstanding?
5) What motives will I be using to encourage change in my audience (see page 94)?
6) What real life examples will I be using to add tangible support to my speech?

7) What persuasive speech design would be best for my presentation (this information was discussed in Module 5)?
8) What types of defective persuasion might I have a tendency to fall in to? Be specific with TWO possible problems. (p. 356)

9) What areas of the MI Inventory (review the “Helping Your Audience Learn” lecture in Module 6) will I highlight in my speech?

By keeping all of these considerations in mind, the speaker can create a stronger speech!  Knowing the answers to these questions will help the speaker focus on what will really move an audience to understanding and change.

Therefore, for this assignment, students are asked to answer the NINE questions above with their persuasive speeches in mind.  Even though you may have not finished all of your research, you should have done enough to answer these questions.


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The purpose of Listening Threads is to give students the opportunity to critically/constructively analyze speeches they hear and/or see.  It is important to understand that opinions of what a “good speech” is can be subjective.  However, most communication experts and educators claim that a “good” speech needs to contain responsible and relevant substance, easy-to-follow structure, inviting presentation, and connection to the audience.

Module 8: Listening Thread

The purpose of Listening Threads is to give students the opportunity to critically/constructively analyze speeches they hear and/or see.  It is important to understand that opinions of what a “good speech” is can be subjective.  However, most communication experts and educators claim that a “good” speech needs to contain responsible and relevant substance, easy-to-follow structure, inviting presentation, and connection to the audience.

Step 1: Review TWO Student Persuasive Speeches from the previous module (found under Persuasive Speech Submission.

Step 2: Answer the Feedback “Form” below for both speeches (complete a separate feedback for each speech).  It may be a good idea to copy and paste the questions into the “reply” box and then fill in your answers.  Please note, that points are awarded to answers that utilize SPECIFIC examples from the speech viewed.  Simple “yes/no” will not suffice.  Do not submit the Feedback Form under the speeches you watched, make sure to submit the assignment on this assignment tab!

Feedback “Form”


  1. Did the introduction gain your attention? How?
  2. Did the speaker establish credibility to speak on the topic? How?
  3. Did the speaker provide a reason of why YOU needed to be persuaded? How?
  4. Did the speaker adequately provide a thesis statement?


  1. Was the speech easy for you to follow? What design was utilized?
  2. Were the main points arraigned effectively? Explain.
  3. Was supporting material sufficient and appropriate?  What information stood out to you the most?
  4. Did you find the speech interesting?  Why or Why not?
  5. Did you feel inclined to take action after the speech? Why or why not?


  1. Did the speaker summarize the message?
  2. Did the speaker provide a concluding remark?


  1. Did the speaker use appropriate vocal expressions in their speech? Explain.
  2. Did the speaker use appropriate body language in their speech? Explain.
  3. Did you feel the speaker’s visual aids were appropriate? Were they large enough to see?
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Developmental Analysis – You will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. You are to analyze your life as it relates to the keys aspects of human growth and development. What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?

Developmental Analysis Instructions

The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of human growth and development. You will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. You are to analyze your life as it relates to the keys aspects of human growth and development. What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?

You are to incorporate your empirical studies related to your chosen developmental aspect of your life. Also, use the course readings or presentations to support what you propose about your own development in your paper. Depending on your life and the influences, there may be more attention placed during one period of time. You are encouraged to glean information from your mother about her pregnancy with you to see if there were any notable issues during that time. Remember to include your spiritual development with applicable research.

In addition, obtain as much information as you can about any significant events in your early childhood years. How did you do in those key developmental years? Did you approach all developmental milestones with ease, or were there challenges? Since this is a comprehensive paper, you will address your development across your lifespan.

Finally, you will conclude your paper with addressing any current lifestyle behaviors that may influence your aging process. You are to address these issues, how they will affect your aging process, and what you plan to do about it.

Note: Your conclusion will must offer suggestions for further study.

The body of the paper is to be 8–10 pages (excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page). This assignment is to be completed adhering strictly to current APA format.

You must include at least 8–10 peer-reviewed, relevant sources in your paper (at least 7 of the sources must be at least 7 empirical articles). The sources must be less than 10 years old unless that citation is linked to an author whose work is seminal to your topic.

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This Practical Book Review provides an opportunity for you to reflect on, respond to, and evaluate the ideas and concepts in Petersen’s (2015) Why Don’t We Listen Better? based on your own life experiences and apply them to your own journey

Practical Book Review Instructions

This Practical Book Review provides an opportunity for you to reflect on, respond to, and evaluate the ideas and concepts in Petersen’s (2015) Why Don’t We Listen Better? based on your own life experiences and apply them to your own journey. Your review must be organized under the 4 section headings Summary, Response, Critique, and Application, specific directions for which are provided below. Each section must be approximately 400 words (a 10% deviation in either direction is acceptable). Your review must be well written and organized, free of grammar and other writing errors, and formatted according to current APA style. A title page and a reference page are expected, but an abstract is not needed. Also, you may use the first person pronoun in all sections except the summary.


Provide a concise, objective overview of the main concepts, principles, and strategies articulated in the book. You may include a few short quotes to describe key ideas; however, rely mainly on paraphrasing. Do not simply annotate the table of contents or revise an existing description of the book. Rather, demonstrate understanding of the content.


Articulate a personalized response that demonstrates meaningful reflection on the core content. What parts of this book are about you? Did any of the stories or descriptions trigger a memory? What insights did you gain about your own interpersonal communication skills and habits? Did you identify with any of the communication traps?


Evaluate the book from your own point-of-view. What questions emerged as you were reading? What aspects were particularly helpful to you? Were any of the concepts unclear or insufficiently developed? Compare and/or contrast Petersen’s ideas with related concepts in at least 2 of the other required course texts (and list these on the reference page along with the Petersen text).


Looking forward, apply what you have learned to your own interpersonal arena. What changes do you need to make in light of the information gleaned from Petersen’s book? Describe strategies and techniques that you plan to implement in order to improve your interpersonal communication style and enhance your relationships, both personally and professionally.


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The goal of reflective journaling is to interact with new information that is particularly meaningful to you and to identify resources that will be help you enlarge your conversation by enhancing your interpersonal communication skills.

Reflective Journaling Entries Instructions

The goal of reflective journaling is to interact with new information that is particularly meaningful to you and to identify resources that will be help you enlarge your conversation by enhancing your interpersonal communication skills. As you engage in the assigned readings and the discussion boards each module/week, make note of insights and understanding that emerge and shed light on the particular communication needs, challenges, barriers, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, etc. that exist in your interpersonal arena.

You will write a total of 4 reflective journaling entries in this course. Begin each entry with a specific reference or a quote from the module/week’s assigned readings. Use this reference to anchor your reflections on a personally meaningful topic in first person while drawing upon and synthesizing a variety of course materials. You may want to compare, contrast, or discuss various views on the topic articulated by different authors. The emphasis should be on self-reflecting, however, not merely summarizing or critiquing what you read. Consider the impact of your behavioral blend/personality. Examine your insights about yourself, your communication style, and your relationships from the perspective of a biblical worldview and your faith journey. Note that duplicating discussion board posts is unacceptable.

Each entry must be between 400 and 500 words. The content must be engaging, substantive, and interesting. It must be written in a focused and concise manner and be well organized with a logic progression of ideas and transitions that are clear and maintain flow of thought. Submit as a Word document, formatted according to current APA style (double-spaced throughout, first line in each new paragraph indented, but without any extra space before a new paragraph, etc.), free of grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. A title page with a title that summarizes your topic is expected, but an abstract is not needed. Use current APA style for both in-text citations and the reference page, while making sure references correspond and are correct.

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The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Project (ICP) is twofold: first, to develop an interpersonal communication design that demonstrates your commitment to develop and maintain healthy, healing, and holy relationships through effective communication and, second, to demonstrate your ability to compose and effectively deliver a message with clear, purposeful, and well-organized content and attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication principles.

Interpersonal Communication Project Instructions

The purpose of the Interpersonal Communication Project (ICP) is twofold: first, to develop an interpersonal communication design that demonstrates your commitment to develop and maintain healthy, healing, and holy relationships through effective communication and, second, to demonstrate your ability to compose and effectively deliver a message with clear, purposeful, and well-organized content and attention to both verbal and nonverbal communication principles.

The content for your ICP will be built throughout the course. You will be responsible for producing a 9–10-minute video recording of yourself presenting this project and create an accompanying PowerPoint presentation that highlights your main points and clearly discloses your sources. The video file will be uploaded to YouTube and the PowerPoint presentation will be submitted on Blackboard along with a link to the video. Do not submit your PowerPoint until your video has been successfully uploaded and processed for viewing.

Your presentation must include the following sections/main points:

  1. Introduction:
    Introduce yourself and provide a very brief preview of your project in a way that engages the audience.
  2. Overarching goal:
    Articulate an overarching goal for your life. This goal should, ideally, be succinctly formulated as a single phrase. Identify of the role and importance of interpersonal communication for enlarging your conversation in the context of this goal.
  3. Background and behavioral blend:
    Describe how your background and behavioral blend influences your communication style, both positively and negatively.
  4. Communication barriers:
    Identify the most significant communication barriers and/or challenges that you have discovered in your interpersonal context.
  5. Resources and strategies:
    Describe the most helpful resources that you have discovered and explain how these provide strategic solutions to overcoming your communication barriers/challenges.
  6. Action plan:
    Discuss the steps you will take in order to enlarge your conversation and make your overarching goal a reality.
  7. Conclusion:

End with a memorable closing statement or quote.

For this project, you must incorporate all the required course texts and 2 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles in a meaningful, effective, and significant way. Attribution to these sources must be clear throughout, ideally by oral reference. Evidence of self-reflection, critical thinking, interaction with the course material, and synthesis of the literature is expected. The language and terminology used in your presentation should be familiar to the audience and appropriate for the setting. When organizing your presentation, make sure each required section/main point is sufficiently developed given the time limit. Transitions between subtopics should be clear and maintain flow of thought. All content must be applied, personalized, and clearly linked to your overarching goal.

The video must be of sufficient quality for a professional setting and show you speaking, ideally from the waist up. Your PowerPoint must not be featured in the video; instead use verbal cues to indicate to your audience when to advance to the next slide. Your delivery should demonstrate a willingness to communicate with attention to audience engagement, articulation, pronunciation, tone, absence of vocal fillers, eye contact, posture and movement. Your presentation must not exceed 10 minutes, or you will be unable to upload your video file.

Your PowerPoint presentation must include a total of 15–20 slides that have a consistent look, font usage and style throughout. The slides should effectively and professionally communicate key points and provide visual support for your oral presentation, rather than “stand alone” with an over-abundance of text. Make sure graphic elements and images add interest rather than distract from the overall content. Use the last one or two slides for a complete APA style bibliography.

To upload your video to YouTube, follow these instructions:

  1. Set up a personal user account on (if you do not have one already).
  2. Download your video from your recording device onto your computer.
  3. Upload your video file to YouTube. Note that it can take over an hour to successfully upload a video (depending on your bandwidth and the site traffic).
  4. Once your video is successfully uploaded, YouTube will process it and make it available for viewing. Once completed, make sure your video is accessible. Since both uploading and processing can take an indeterminate amount of time, it is highly recommended that you allow a window of several hours prior to the deadline for any potential issues.
  5. Copy the link to your YouTube video and paste it into the comments box in the assignment in Module/Week 8 on Blackboard. Also, upload your PowerPoint presentation here before you submit your assignment.
  6. Once your final grade has been posted, you may delete your video from YouTube.

If you experience technical difficulties while using the YouTube website, do not contact the Liberty University Helpdesk; see the YouTube Help page or contact the YouTube Help Center.

Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in the videos on YouTube are those of the speakers or producers and do not necessarily reflect the views held by Liberty University.

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Students will create a Powerpoint presentation on the topic of resilience for military families. The presentation will address 5-7 key aspects of resilience for military families and/or strategies for building resilience in military families.

Resilience Project Presentation

Students will create a Powerpoint presentation on the topic of resilience for military families. The presentation will address 5-7 key aspects of resilience for military families and/or strategies for building resilience in military families. The presentation will include embedded audio narration in each slide (a simple feature of PowerPoint), or a complete Word file written script of the presentation, whichever method the student prefers. The presentation must include a title slide, outline slide, a slide with at least three learning objectives for the audience, a slide describing the intended audience and setting for presentation, the main body slides, a summary/conclusion slide, and 1-2 references slides in correct APA format. The presentation must include integration of biblical principles with the presented material, either spread out among the slides, or as a separated slide(s). At least six peer-reviewed references must be used, which may include textbooks and articles assigned in the course. Most presentations will be about 12-18 slides long. Additional embedded videos can be included, but the entire presentation, whether narrated by audio or read from a script, should last 15-20 minutes. Please see the attached grading rubric in for the grading criteria to ensure maximum points for this assignment.

General Format

  • Submission is a Powerpoint slide show
  • Submission includes embedded audio or a separate written script in a Word file
  • Slides are visually appealing and professional; supportive artwork is encouraged, but slides should not look crowded or have more than about 10 lines of text
  • Presentation is about 15-20 minute long

Outline Content

  • Contains require slides: title, outline, learning objectives, intended audience and delivery setting, summary/conclusion
  • Contains 5-7 main points on resilience for military families
  • Points are shown to be relevant for the target audience
  • Major points are supported by reading/lecture material or outside sources and cited on the slides
  • Biblical principles are integrated into the presentation among several slides or as a separate slide(s)


  • Includes 1-2 references slides list in correct APA style
  • Includes the required number of appropriate references
  • All references are cited in the presentation
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Military family issues related to a military family vignette of the student’s creation

Military Family Paper

Students will write a 10-page scholarly paper (not counting the title page, abstract, or references) on military family issues related to a military family vignette of the student’s creation. The student should build on the work provided in the previously submitted outline and the instructor’s feedback. The paper will describe the military family vignette in about one full page, address the military cultural dynamics impacting the entire family, describe how resilience factors have been employed (or not) by the family, provide a family-based intervention approach appropriate for a non-licensed faith-based setting, provide a description of relevant resources and referrals available to the family in their setting, address the cultural diversity issues present in the case, and include a thoughtful and purposeful integration of biblical worldview issues. The paper must adhere to current APA style. The paper must include citations to at least ten peer-reviewed references. Please see the attached grading rubric for the grading criteria to ensure maximum points for this assignment. This assignment is due at 11:59 pm (ET) on Sunday of week/module 7.

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